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  • Writer's pictureJennaMarie

Two Dark Weeks!

Updated: Jan 7, 2019

School Counseling... I have my many reasons why I chose this field but I think the main one was that I needed kids to have an outlet where they can feel comfortable and not be judged for the things they say, the actions they take, or the choices they make..

With that said, I've had two of the most difficult weeks as a Middle School Counselor in the last two weeks. The stories I've heard from children lately have just been so heartbreaking. Situations I've never experienced as an adult, young tweens are dealing with and have dealt with it for years.

Kids are strong, kids are resilient but the hurt and pain that some of our students carry can just be overwhelming for their little hearts.

"No, Ms. Hernandez.. I'm fine", it's what I tend to hear before their voice cracks and the tears roll down.

I know why I chose this profession. I rather take the problems of the students and hold their pain instead of  letting them walk around drowning in their sorrow unable to talk about what's bringing them down. "You're sad.. You're mad.. Share those feelings, let me hold on to that pain.. you need a break".

Being a Counselor has its perks and like I say... When it's at a high.. You feel nothing but happiness and confidence because your kids are great. But days like this where it's one dark story after another, that's when you feel compelled to get in touch with the real WHY of why you became a Counselor. Personally.. I begin reflecting, thinking why I did it and why it matters so much to me...

Why I did it? Simple.. Kids should be kids!Stress and life is going to happen as you age.. But you should be allowed to be a kid.

Let me listen to your worries and find ways to help you with it.

You don't have to deal with this alone!


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