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Jenna's Self Care

As School Counselors,we see and hear some of the happiest, saddest and wildest stories from our kiddos. Due to confidentiality, we hold in so much information and dismiss many growing emotions. Our career is often misunderstood and underrepresented as the profession in the school who doesn't do anything but play with the student(s) for 30 minutes and sends them back to class. But for those who really and truly understand the passion of a School Counselor, you'll know it's no walk in the park.

I'm important. My worries and stresses matter too. I need to plan for a better me.
I need to practice SELF-CARE!
What happens when we're consumed by little people emotions and worries? What occurs to Counselors when we're constantly experiencing limited Counselor Support, Non Counselor related work assigned to us, not enough time to get through our Counselor responsibilities in the day resulting in then taking the work home? BURNOUT!
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