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About Jenna

Hey! I'm Jenna. The purpose of my blog is to connect with other counselors while also expressing my voice about my life as a Middle School Counselor in NYC. If someone would've told me in high school I was going to be a Counselor, I would've simply laughed in their face. My dream was always to be on stage. To be a singer (but we all know I can't sing) or to be an actress but Hollywood never discovered me. In the midst of finding myself through the different majors I encountered, including theater, I found a passion I never knew I was even interested in. I've graduated with my BA in Psychology (Magna Cum Laude) and my Masters in Counseling with a Bilingual Extension (Magna Cum Laude). Luckily, I've been able to grow with my passion as a Counselor as I've done counseling in several homeless shelters and foster care agencies. While I loved all settings, I've got to say that the school experience is my absolute favorite.  


With each year as a Middle School Counselor, I feel that I grow more and more each day. This is now year 5 and although I have an entirely long way to go, I'm no longer in day 1 or year 1. It can only get better from here. So sit back and enjoy the good, the bad and the ugly as you get a sneak peek into the life of School Counselor Jenna.



School Counselor Jenna

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"As a counselor, you may be invisible to many but to the little hearts that matter, you mean the world to them"


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